September 22, 2010

Maybe the easiest car in the world to park.

In an inadvertent ongoing tribute to summery BMWs.... give it up, the BMW Z1:

It's not really about the looks with this one. I would pay good money to go back in time and be there when the chief designer goes, "Doors? Yeah, we decided they should slide down." Yes. Blow my mind. You know when you're driving and the door is in that not-open-but-not-shut-all-the-way-either position and you should probably wait until you reach the lights, but fuck it, you're a daredevil, and you open and shut it anyway, mid-drive? The Z1 gives you the permanent lunatic option, a bit like a Jeep Wrangler but without the stigma.
BMW sold around 8,000 of them, ending in 1991. Here's the deal though- illegal in the US- something about getting hit and being eye level with the grille of the other car and having nothing between you and it blah blah blah. I like to think that I'd be able to react in time to slide up the door and maybe even throw on a helmet so I did a little research.
Turns out you can keep one stateside if you can argue historical significance and keep it to 2,500 miles a year. Not sure how historical significance is going to help when a raised pickup goes through me, but I'll take it.

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